
सोमवार, 20 अप्रैल 2020

bca- 6th Sem Notes -Considerations in Intranet Deployment

  • UNIT-I 
Introduction to E-Commerce
The Scope of Electronic Commerce 
Definition of Electronic Commerce,
Electronic E-commerce and the Trade Cycle
Electronic Markets, Electronic Data Interchange
Internet Commerce, E-Commerce in Perspective
Business Strategy in an Electronic Age: Supply Chains
Porter’s Value Chain Model, Inter-Organizational Value Chains
Competitive Strategy, Porter’s Model
First Mover Advantage Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Competitive Advantage using E-Commerce
Business Strategy, Introduction to Business Strategy
Strategic Implications of IT, Technology
Business Environment, Business Capability
Exiting Business Strategy, Strategy Formulation & Implementation Planning
E-Commerce Implementation
E-Commerce Evaluation

  • UNIT-II 
  • Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce

    Characteristics of B2B EC
    Models of B2B Ec
    Procurement Management Using the Buyer’s Internal Marketplace
    Just in Time Delivery   B2B Models
    Auctions and Services from Traditional to Internet-Based EDI
    Integration with Back-end Information System
    The Role of Software Agents for B2B EC
    Electronic marketing in B2B Solutions of B2B EC
    Managerial Issues   Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
    EDI: The Nuts and Bolts EDI & Business


  • Internet and Extranet
    The Largest Extranet,

    Architecture of the Internet
    Intranet and Extranet Intranet software ,Applications of Intranets
    Intranet Application Case Studies
    Considerations in Intranet Deployment
    The Extranets, The structures of Extranets
    Extranet products & services
    Applications of Extranets,Business Models of Extranet Applications, Managerial Issues
    Electronic Payment Systems,Is SET a failure
    Electronic Payments & Protocols
    Security Schemes in Electronic payment systems, Electronic Credit card system on the Internet
    Electronic Fund Transfer and Debit cards on the Internet
    Stored – value Cards and E-Cash,Electronic Check Systems
    Prospect of Electronic Payment Systems,
    Managerial Issues

  • UNIT-IV 

  • UNIT-V                 

  • Considerations in Intranet Deployment

    here are seven key steps to creating your intranet
    1) The Plan (and the People Behind it) 

    Building up your intranet ought to never be hurried. It's extremely imperative to assemble a venture group – with delegates from various divisions — to develop an extensive arrangement. The arrangement ought to include: 

    • The particular reason, business objectives, and goals of the intranet. 
    • Who will utilize it inside/on premises versus portable? 
    • Who is contributing (continuous) substance to it? 
    • hat are the capacities, work processes, and extraordinary needs of the workforce? 
    • What is the all out spending plan for advancement, preparing, security, and oversight. 

    At that point, you ought to build up a fundamental site map which shows data design and conceivably, coordinated frameworks. Likewise, a key component of your arrangement should address oversight, support, and administration issues, for example, who will be directing informal organizations and client gatherings. 

    (2) Identify Your Content 

    With your site map assembled, you can start to distinguish existing substance inventories and further basic needs. HR-explicit substance like organization arrangements and work force benefits-materials, is the place organizations regularly initiate. However, there are numerous different alternatives, for example, preparing recordings, organization news, much of the time posed inquiries, and schedules. 

    (3) Choose your intranet supplier 

    Contemplate the size and needs of your organization while picking your intranet supplier. Consider whether it will be specially fabricated or off-the-rack? Will it be facilitated on-premises or by a cloud supplier? As a rule, it will be one of these three mixes: 

    • Uniquely manufactured and facilitated on-premises 
    • Worked from off-the-rack parts, facilitated on the premises 
    • Cloud supplier, facilitated remotely 
    • Cloud-based intranet arrangements are normally truly simple to convey and keep up, yet much relies upon the security needs of your association. 
    • In any case, you ought to pick a supplier who can scale with your business and exhibit a background marked by iron-clad guard against any break of system security. 

    (4)  Build, Test, Go Live!

    After you have picked your supplier you will develop your starter site guide to explicitly characterize where individuals, substance, and discussions will be gathered and organized. 

    You will populate your site with substance and test, test, test. You ought to have a center gathering of beta-analyzers (not really the center undertaking collaboration through the (recently characterized) use case situations, trying out the different instruments, projects, applications and mixes. 

    When individuals begin connecting with the stage in their every day work, you will see the benefit of having an adaptable, versatile, intranet. Be cautioned… there will be all the more tweaking (everybody's a pundit!) however ideally, just little changes will be required. 

    (5) The secret to success is excellent training 

    Everybody's occupied. Everybody is utilized to the old method for getting things done. They may oppose informing individuals in another manner (when trusty old email is the thing that they are utilized to). 

    They probably won't use video conferencing or social average devices immediately. Your most logical option is to make something of a "promoting" effort to flaunt the new capacities. Some normal approaches to prepare workers on an intranet are: 

    • Online courses Recordings 
    • Digital recordings 
    • Gamification 
    (6) Maintenance and Oversight

    Your undertaking group constructed a support and oversight plan, presently it's a great opportunity to guarantee the intranet isn't just simple to utilize and working admirably however exact. For instance, is the framework for document the board efficient? Are there a lot of self-serve highlights inherent, similar to LiveTiles' AI-driven representative catalog programming? Devices like this make oversight a simpler activity since it lets workers have more responsibility for content. This product naturally 'stars a discussion' with them to guarantee their profile data is consistently modern. 

    (7) Perform Analytics and Continue to Revise

    A basic element to consider when setting up your optimal intranet, is investigation. After dispatch, you should keep on observing the exhibition of the stage, and evaluate whether utilization in inline with your underlying objectives. What highlights are famous? Who is utilizing the intranet most? LiveTiles Intelligence for instance, permits overseers to mine wide and granular information. You can look at use by divisions, geolocations, gadget types and page communications. Or on the other hand, you can see a flying creatures eye perspective in the vicinity movement.
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