
रविवार, 12 अप्रैल 2020

BCA 6th Sem Notes-Taxation & Encryption Policies

  • UNIT-I 
Introduction to E-Commerce
The Scope of Electronic Commerce 
Definition of Electronic Commerce,
Electronic E-commerce and the Trade Cycle
Electronic Markets, Electronic Data Interchange
Internet Commerce, E-Commerce in Perspective
Business Strategy in an Electronic Age: Supply Chains
Porter’s Value Chain Model, Inter-Organizational Value Chains
Competitive Strategy, Porter’s Model
First Mover Advantage Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Competitive Advantage using E-Commerce
Business Strategy, Introduction to Business Strategy
Strategic Implications of IT, Technology
Business Environment, Business Capability
Exiting Business Strategy, Strategy Formulation & Implementation Planning
E-Commerce Implementation
E-Commerce Evaluation

  • UNIT-II 
  • Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce
    Characteristics of B2B EC
    Models of B2B Ec
    Procurement Management Using the Buyer’s Internal Marketplace
    Just in Time Delivery
    B2B Models
    Auctions and Services from Traditional to Internet-Based EDI
    The Role of Software Agents for B2B EC
    Electronic marketing in B2B
    Solutions of B2B EC
    Managerial Issues
    Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
    EDI: The Nuts and Bolts
    EDI & Business

  • Internet and Extranet
    The Largest Extranet
    Architecture of the Internet
    Intranet and Extranet
    Intranet software
    Applications of Intranets
    Intranet Application Case Studies
    Considerations in Intranet Deployment
    The Extranets,
     The structures of Extranets
    Extranet products & services
    Applications of Extranets
    Business Models of Extranet Applications, Managerial Issues
    Electronic Payment Systems
    Is SET a failure
    Electronic Payments & Protocols
    Security Schemes in Electronic payment systems
    Electronic Credit card system on the Internet
    Electronic Fund Transfer and Debit cards on the Internet
    Stored – value Cards and E-Cash
    Electronic Check Systems
    Prospect of Electronic Payment Systems
    Managerial Issues

  • UNIT-V                 

  • Taxation & Encryption Policies

    Electronic Commerce ("E-commerce") presents remarkable difficulties to government and state charge specialists. Web-based business includes trade utilizing the Internet: commonly buys and deals through PCs. Since Ecommerce includes PCs speaking with one another at the speed of light, exchanges are both immediate and to a great extent unknown. Conversely, mail request and phone sales, two conventional structures utilized by remote dealers, include the conveyance of merchandise from a particular physical area to a particular area by methods for a typical bearer 

    Current Law - A Moratorium on Internet Taxes 

    As of now, under the Internet Taxation Freedom Act ("ITFA"), went in 1988 there is a 3-year ban on government and state tax collection forced on web exchanges. The ban started on October 21, 1998 and stays as a result until October 21, 2001. ITFA's motivation is to stop the surge by states to burden exchanges happening on the web until Congress has had the chance to consider the issue and make proposals. 

    Congress understood that the web required time to develop as a reasonable mode for trade, without being exposed to burdening systems forced by the states. Congress noticed that the web was intrinsically defenseless to duplicate and prejudicial tax assessment in manners that customary trade was most certainly not. Congress was worried that since web exchanges included various PCs and switches, steering exchanges all through the nation and even all through the world, possibly many locales could endeavor to burden a solitary exchange. In this manner, ITFA would shield web business from being burdened in entangled and sudden manners by remote purviews. 

    Discriminatory Taxes

    An oppressive duty generally included an assessment that supported neighborhood trade over interstate business, yet the definition under ITFA has been expanded to incorporate the inclusion of the expense, its application or a differential duty rate. At the end of the day, if an online business exchange is dependent upon a duty that is any not the same as an expense forced on comparable property, merchandise or administrations through different methods, at that point the assessment is prejudicial. Model: If the acquisition of a book over the web is dependent upon a duty that is not quite the same as buying a book in a book shop, the expense is prejudicial. 

    The equivalent would be valid if the burdening authority charged a higher pace of duty for web-based business acquisition of books. Be that as it may, it is admissible to charge a lower rate on a web-based business exchange. It different works, a burdening purview may segregate for online business. 

    Internet business directed by out-of-state merchants doesn't have a commitment to gather deals charges if customary remote dealers, for example, mail-request and phone sales sellers don't gather deals charges. Deals charge can't be imposed on the grounds that the buyer utilizes web-based business to get to the vender's PC to get a property, merchandise or administration. Likewise, states can't utilize an "organization nexus" hypothesis to guarantee that a buyer's ISP is an in-state specialist for the merchant. 

    Model: If a buyer in California utilizes his PC to interface with a book shop's PC situated in Nevada, no state or political subdivision may collect a business charge, regardless of whether the buyer utilized a California ISP to associate with the web. 

    Different Taxes 

    Different charges on a similar exchange or administration either in the equivalent burdening ward or tow or additionally burdening locales are disallowed. There is an exemption if the duty is forced by a state and a neighborhood subdivision, for example, California's business assessment and San Francisco County's extra deals charge for it Bay Area Rapid Transit. This could happen in the event that a state burdened web get to administrations as broadcast communications administrations and, at that point burdened found telephone utilities too. Except if a credit is given to dispose of any twofold tax collection, such an assessment would disregard the restriction against different tax assessment. 

    Tax assessment and Encryption Policies 

    The Future for Ecommerce Taxation 

    The Commission on Electronic Commerce, made by the ITFA enactment, has not had the option to make any progress in the tax assessment banter, yet a few individuals have voice support for Internet charges, gave the expense is easy to figure for organizations. This could mean a uniform assessment rate consented to by all the states, or innovative advances that would permit organizations to ascertain the business charge essentially and without a huge interest in time and assets. 

    shopping center organizations would be covered in exorbitant administrative work endeavoring to agree to every one of these standards. That is accurately why the business proviso in the Constitution disallows burdens and is an undue weight on interstate trade. 

    Encryption approach: 

    Encryption is a method for concealing information. The encoded information can be perused uniquely by those clients for whom it is proposed. These days different encryption procedures are accessible. One of the accessible procedures usually utilized for encryption is Public Key. In Public Key encryption framework, RSA Data Security of Redwood City offers the most well known and industrially accessible calculation. 

    In a Public Key encryption framework every client has two keys-open key and private key. The encryption and unscrambling calculations are structured in a manner with the goal that lone the private key can decode information that is encoded by the open key. What's more, the open key can unscramble information, encoded by the private key. In this manner, one can communicate the open key to all clients. 

    PC encryption depends on the study of cryptography, which has been utilized since forever. Prior to the advanced age, the greatest clients of cryptography were governments, especially for military purposes. 

    Most PC encryption frameworks have a place in one of two classifications. Extensively, there are two sorts of encryption techniques: 

    • Secret-key cryptography
    • Public-key cryptography

    Data Encryption Standard (DES) 

    A generally embraced execution of mystery key cryptography is a Data Encryption Standard (DES). The genuine programming to perform DES is promptly accessible at no expense to any individual who approaches the Internet. DES was presented in 1975 by IBM, the National Security Agency (NSA), and the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) (which is currently called NIST). DES has been broadly investigated and concentrated in the course of the most recent twenty years and is unquestionably the most notable and generally utilized cryptosystem on the planet. DES is a mystery key, symmetric cryptosystem: When utilized for correspondence, both the sender and beneficiary must know a similar mystery key, which is utilized both to scramble and unscramble the message. DES can likewise be utilized for single client encryption, for instance, to store documents on a hard plate in encoded structure. In a multi-client condition, be that as it may, secure-key dispersion gets troublesome; open key cryptography talked about in the following subsection, was created to take care of this issue. 

    DES works on 64-piece hinders with a 56-piece mystery key. Intended for equipment usage, it activity is generally quick and functions admirably for enormous mass archives or encryption. Rather than characterizing only one encryption calculation, DES characterizes an entire group of them. With a couple of special cases, an alternate calculation is created for every mystery key. This implies everyone can be told about the calculation and your message will at present be secure. You simply need to confess to others your mystery key a number under 256. The number 256 is additionally enormous enough to make it hard to break the code utilizing a beast power assault (attempting to break the figure by utilizing every potential keys). DES has withstood the trial of time. In spite of the way that its calculation is notable, it is difficult to break the figure without utilizing huge measures of registering power. 

    In the course of recent years a few new, quicker symmetric calculations have been grown, however DES remains the most habitually utilized. 

    Client's Trust Online 


    The vibe of a site passes on a feeling of character and impacts how much guests are set up to confide in the site proprietor. On the off chance that an association as of now has a corporate character, at that point the site ought to be steady with this. On-screen structure and duplicate styles ought to reflect existing printed writing. An organization's hues may require re-working on the web, to another palette that is quick to download to the PC screen. Building up a brand to work online is another errand. The web is material - site pages should look, sound and move in manners that fortify the organization's current picture. 


    On the off chance that clients stroll into another high road shop they can for the most part discover their way around. There are shows for spreading out a shop and clients unknowingly comprehend and tail them. Online shows are as yet being created. In this way, some judgment will be expected to make first-time visits fruitful. 

    The test is to make allurement – to investigate the store - without clients getting lost. On the landing page a site's motivation must be obvious to the first-run through guest. Utilize basic words to depict the site's substance and make it simple for guests to discover what they are searching for by giving clear guidelines. 


    Products have now been chosen and your client has made it to the checkout. Now most shopping baskets are deserted. Sites can keep clients' trust by taking them through a straightforward exchange process. Consistently clients should know where they are in the checkout procedure and they ought to have the option to discover what happens later. It must be anything but difficult to see: How requests are to be handled The organization's profits approach. On the web and disconnected client care benefits The organization's security arrangement for individual data. In the event that you have shops on the high road, give clients the alternative to return merchandise there. What's more, make sure to prepare your staff to deal with returned online requests. 

    Recognizable Names and Logos 

    Names that we know and trust are recognizable and amicable. On the off chance that we see them on a site we trus

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