
रविवार, 12 अप्रैल 2020

BCA6th Sem Notes-Other Legal Issues: Contracts

  • UNIT-I 
Introduction to E-Commerce
The Scope of Electronic Commerce 
Definition of Electronic Commerce,
Electronic E-commerce and the Trade Cycle
Electronic Markets, Electronic Data Interchange
Internet Commerce, E-Commerce in Perspective
Business Strategy in an Electronic Age: Supply Chains
Porter’s Value Chain Model, Inter-Organizational Value Chains
Competitive Strategy, Porter’s Model
First Mover Advantage Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Competitive Advantage using E-Commerce
Business Strategy, Introduction to Business Strategy
Strategic Implications of IT, Technology
Business Environment, Business Capability
Exiting Business Strategy, Strategy Formulation & Implementation Planning
E-Commerce Implementation
E-Commerce Evaluation

  • UNIT-II 
  • Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce
    Characteristics of B2B EC
    Models of B2B Ec
    Procurement Management Using the Buyer’s Internal Marketplace
    Just in Time Delivery
    B2B Models
    Auctions and Services from Traditional to Internet-Based EDI
    The Role of Software Agents for B2B EC
    Electronic marketing in B2B
    Solutions of B2B EC
    Managerial Issues
    Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
    EDI: The Nuts and Bolts
    EDI & Business

  • Internet and Extranet
    Automotive Network Exchange
    The Largest Extranet
    Architecture of the Internet
    Intranet and Extranet
    Intranet software
    Applications of Intranets
    Intranet Application Case Studies
    Considerations in Intranet Deployment
    The Extranets,
     The structures of Extranets
    Extranet products & services
    Applications of Extranets
    Business Models of Extranet Applications, Managerial Issues
    Electronic Payment Systems
    Is SET a failure
    Electronic Payments & Protocols
    Security Schemes in Electronic payment systems
    Electronic Credit card system on the Internet
    Electronic Fund Transfer and Debit cards on the Internet
    Stored – value Cards and E-Cash
    Electronic Check Systems
    Prospect of Electronic Payment Systems
    Managerial Issues

  • UNIT-V                 

  • Other Legal Issues: Contracts

    The common legal issues an e-commerce business faces.
    1. Incorporation Problem. 
    2. Trademark Security Problem
    3. Copyright Protection Issue. 
    4. Transaction Issues
    5. Privacy Issues.

    E-Commerce Ethical and Legal Issues
    1. Ethical Issues. In general, many ethical and global issues of Information Technology apply to e-business.
    2. Web tracking. E-businesses draw information on how visitors use a site through log files.p
    3. privacy.
    4. Disintermediation and Reintermediation.
    5. Legal Issues. 
    6. Fraud on the Internet
    7. Copyright. 
    8. Domain Names.

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