
सोमवार, 6 अप्रैल 2020

BCA 4th Sem Notes-Clipping

  • UNIT-I 
~The Advantages of Interactive Graphics
~Representative Uses of Computer Graphics 
~Classification of Application Development of Hardware and software for computer Graphics
~Overview, Scan:
~Converting Lines
~Scan Converting Circles
~Scan Converting Ellipses

  • UNIT-II 
  • ~Hardcopy Technologies
    ~Display Technologies
    ~Raster-Scan Display System
    ~Video Controller
    ~Random-Scan Display processor
    ~Input Devices for Operator Interaction
    ~Image Scanners
    ~Working exposure on graphics tools like Dream Weaver, 3D Effects etc
    ~Southland- Cohen Algorithm
    ~Cyrus-Beck Algorithm
    ~Midpoint Subdivision Algorithm

  • ~Geometrical Transformation
    ~2D Transformation
    ~Homogeneous Coordinates and Matrix Representation of 2DTransformations 
    ~composition of 2D Transformations
    ~The Window-to-Viewport

  • UNIT-IV 

  • ~Representing Curves & Surfaces----
    ~Polygon meshes parametric
    ~Cubic Curves
    ~Quadric Surface
    ~Solid Modeling---
    ~Representing Solids
    ~Regularized Boolean Set Operation primitive Instancing Sweep Representation
    ~Boundary Representations
    ~Spatial Partitioning Representations
    ~Constructive Solid Geometry Comparison of Representations

  • UNIT-V                           

  • ~Multimedia Definition
    ~CD-ROM and the multimedia highway
    ~Computer Animation
    (Design, types of animation, using different functions)

  • UNIT-VI  

  • ~Uses of Multimedia
    ~Introduction to making multimedia –
    ~The stage of Project
    ~hardware & software requirements to make good multimedia skills
    ~Training opportunities in Multimedia Motivation for Multimedia usage


    At the point when we need to show a huge bit of the image, at that point not just scaling and interpretation is vital, the noticeable piece of the picture is likewise recognized. This procedure isn't simple. Certain pieces of the picture are inside, while others are in part inside. The lines or components which are somewhat noticeable will be discarded. 

    For choosing the obvious and undetectable bit, a specific procedure called cutting is utilized. Cutting decides every component into the noticeable and undetectable part. A noticeable bit is chosen. An imperceptible segment is disposed of.
    Types of Lines:
    Lines are of three types:

    1. Visible: A-line or lines entirely inside the window is considered visible
    2. Invisible: A-line entirely outside the window is considered invisible
    3. Clipped: A-line partially inside the window and partially outside is clipped. For clipping point of intersection of a line with the window is determined

    Types of Clipping:
    Point Clipping.-
    Clipping: In computer graphics our screen act as a 2-D coordinate system. it is not necessary that each and every point can be viewed on our viewing pane(i.e. our computer screen). We can viewpoints, which lie in a particular range (0,0) and (Xmax, Ymax). So, clipping is a procedure that identifies those portions of a picture that are either inside or outside of our viewing pane.

     Line Clipping.

    It is performed by using the line clipping algorithm. The line clipping algorithms are:
    1. Cohen Sutherland Line Clipping Algorithm
    2. Midpoint Subdivision Line Clipping Algorithm
    3. Liang-Barsky Line Clipping Algorithm

     Area Clipping 

    (Polygon) Curve ClippingCurve Clipping involves complex procedures as compared to line clipping. Curve clipping requires more processing than for object with linear boundaries. Consider window which is rectangular in shape. The circle is to consider against rectangle window.

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