
रविवार, 19 अप्रैल 2020

BCA 2nbd Sem Notes -Using text files fgetc(),fputc(),fscanf()

  • UNIT-I (Array)
Declaration & initialization of 1D 
Accessing array elements
Displaying array elements
Sorting arrays
Arrays and function
Declaration & initialization of 1D
Accessing and Displaying
Memory representation of array [Row Major, Column Major]
Multidimensional array

  • UNIT-II (Pointers)
  • Definition
    Declaration & initialization
    Indirection operator
    address of operator
    pointer arithmetic
    dynamic memory allocation
    arrays and pointers
    function and pointers

  • UNIT-III (Strings)

  • UNIT-IV (Structures)
  • Definition

  • UNIT-V                                  (C Preprocessor)

  • UNIT-VI                                (File Handling)

  • text files in C

    All file handling function

    File handling  functions
    fopen ()          fopen () function creates a new file or opens an existing file.
    fclose ()fclose () function closes an opened file.
    getw ()        getw () function reads an integer from file.
    putw ()putw () functions writes an integer to file.
    fgetc ()fgetc () function reads a character from file.
    fputc ()fputc () functions write a character to file.
    gets ()gets () function reads line from keyboard.
    puts ()puts () function writes line to o/p screen.
    fgets ()fgets () function reads string from a file, one line at a time.
    fputs ()fputs () function writes string to a file.
    feof ()feof () function finds end of file.
    fgetchar ()              fgetchar () function reads a character from keyboard.
    fprintf ()fprintf () function writes formatted data to a file.
    fscanf ()fscanf () function reads formatted data from a file.
    fputchar ()fputchar () function writes a character onto the output screen from keyboard input.
    fseek ()          fseek () function moves file pointer position to given location.
    SEEK_SET          SEEK_SET moves file pointer position to the beginning of the file.
    SEEK_CURSEEK_CUR moves file pointer position to given location.
    SEEK_ENDSEEK_END moves file pointer position to the end of file.
    ftell ()ftell () function gives current position of file pointer.
    rewind ()rewind () function moves file pointer position to the beginning of the file.
    getc ()getc () function reads character from file.
    getch ()getch () function reads character from keyboard.
    getche ()getche () function reads character from keyboard and echoes to o/p screen.
    getchar ()getchar () function reads character from keyboard.
    putc ()putc () function writes a character to file.
    putchar ()putchar () function writes a character to screen.
    printf ()printf () function writes formatted data to screen.
    sprinf ()sprinf () function writes formatted output to string.
    scanf ()scanf () function reads formatted data from keyboard.
    sscanf ()sscanf () function Reads formatted input from a string.
    remove ()remove () function deletes a file.
    fflush ()fflush () function flushes a file.

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