
शनिवार, 4 अप्रैल 2020

BCA 2nd sem Notes- string definition

  • UNIT-I (Array)
Declaration & initialization of 1D 
Accessing array elements
Displaying array elements
Sorting arrays
Arrays and function
Declaration & initialization of 1D
Accessing and Displaying
Memory representation of array [Row Major, Column Major]
Multidimensional array

  • UNIT-II (Pointers)
  • Definition

    Declaration & initialization
    Indirection operator
    address of operator
    pointer arithmetic
    dynamic memory allocation
    arrays and pointers
    function and pointers

  • UNIT-III (Strings)

  •   strlen(),strcpy(),       strcat() ,strcmp()

  • UNIT-IV (Structures)
  • Definition

  • UNIT-V                                     (C Pre-processor)

  • UNIT-VI                                (File Handling)

  • Definition of Files,
    Opening modes of files
    Standard function
    fopen(), fclose(),             feof()  fseek(),                    fewind()
    Using text files
    fgetc(), fputc(), fscanf()

    String in c

    The string is a collection of characters or groups of characters, it is achieved in C language by using array character. The string in C language is a one-dimensional array of character which is terminated by a null character '\0'. In other words, the string is a collection of character which is enclosed between double cotes ( " " ).


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